Scroller and Slider

Scroller and Slider are the two main components of JPage. The Scroller is responsible for the vertical scroll. The Slider is responsible for the horizontal scroll.


The Scroller is made up of sections. Therefore, to create a scroller just add the section class to a container:

<div class="section">
  <!-- Your content -->

Configuring the Scroller:

const jpageConfig = {
  scroller: {
    showControls: true, // whether controls should be shown or not
    waitingTime: 400, // waiting time for scrolling
    duration: 700, //scroll duration time


The Slider is formed by slides and is inside a section of the Scroller. So, to create a Slider just do:

<div class="section">
  <div class="slider">
    <div class="slide">
      <!-- Your content -->
    <div class="slide">
      <!-- Your content -->

Configuring the Slider:

const jpageConfig = {
  slider: {
    showControls: true, // whether controls should be shown or not
    duration: 700, //slider duration time

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